Creating a Keystore File within Unity

Adjusting the Publishing Settings within Unity for Google Playstore

Simon Truong
4 min readMar 19, 2022


Now that we have created our google developer account and have already verified our ID, before we can upload any APK files and what not, we need to adjust some settings within Unity to allow the smooth transition.

The Player Setting:

Within the player settings (which can be access via build settings and on the bottom button “Player Settings”) we can see the information that Unity will provide to the google developer account.

Accessing the player settings within the build settings.

Here we can immediately see the company name and product name, which will be your own personal product name along with the game name aka. Dungeon Escape. We can also choose an icon that will be displayed as the app icon.

My company is called Pyxel Pulse Games

Right below, we will see several tabs, but the one we will be focusing on will be the android tab. (aka. the one with the google android icon)

The several important tabs that we will be focusing will be the “Splash Image” “Other Settings” and finally “Publishing Settings”.

Splash Image:

Within the Splash Image, we can add in our own personal company logo and adjust how the logos are going to be presented. We can also add in a background during the logo scene which can be blurred and have transparency.

The final logo setting. The Unity logo is by default and mandatory if you are not an Unity pro member

Other Settings:

Next we are going to work with the “Other settings”. There isn’t much to adjust in this tab but more like a double check to make sure our Identification is correct. Here we can check if our company name is properly applied and set the version number along with Bundle version code. The Bundle Version code is only applied if you already have an existing game or application online, and wish to update the existing file. Each update would add one to the bundle code to keep things organized. Finally we have the Minimum API level which should be set to your desired android version.

Publishing Settings:

Finally within the publishing settings is where we are going to create our keystore file. A keystore file is basically a digital key that identifies the original creator and only allows that creator to adjust or tamper with the file.

First we are going to click the button “Keystore Manager” this will bring up a popup that will allow you to input your settings.

The keystore manager is going to ask you to save this file in a secure and projected place that only you will know. Then it is going to ask for an password.

The New Key Values include Alias (aka the product name) another password and Validity (years). The Validity is basically how long you want the keystore to remain active.

Once you have filled out ever information slot, you can click the “Add Key” button to finalize everything. Unity is going to give you a pop-up asking for permission to apply the new changes. Once that is done, you should be able to see the changes occur within the Publishing Settings.

Finally we are going to build our final apk, this time we are going to save our apk file in a secure location as well to get ready for the upload within the google playstore.



Simon Truong
Simon Truong

Written by Simon Truong

A Designer, an Illustrator and a massive tech geek aspiring to become a professional Unity Developer.